Sunday, March 22, 2009


there are times, when you realize that you were on a role with a specific thought pattern or idea that you developed or rather some sort of theory of how your life should, would, and could play out, but you let something or someone step into the mix. sure what they offer seems to catch you off guard a bit, but nevertheless it appears to be exactly what you were looking for all along. so you pause what you were originally doing to check out this new thrill that has caught your eye because you feel that you just can't let this opportunity pass you by, so you chance it. now naturally you've got your guard up, but as time goes by and the right things {or what seemed to be the right things} are said, you gradually begin to open up; thinking and convincing yourself that this one just MIGHT be different. hmm. WRONG! {right now the saying "it was too good to be true" is starting to ring a bell} once again life pats you on the butt saying "haha, gotcha!" in effort to keep you humble and remind you as to why you were originally on your grind, your daily hustle, your quest for self, or however you want to phrase it. it basically tells you that now is not the time to get side tracked on the "wants" that life seems to tease you with, but rather reassures you that all that will come in due time and if it was meant to be then it will happen after your genuine self satisfaction is fully achieved. then and there will you find the required time, energy, and whatnot to enjoy those "wants" without getting thrown off course. remember, '09 is about GRINDING; making things happen for yourself in the fact that you are dedicating this time to self progression and achievement. '08 was fun and all but '09 is the time, and time is money, and money is power, and power enables us to do the things we want to do in life by helping us get where we want to be. there's no time to stop and get distracted by drama nor is there time to be entangled in today's trends. it's time to surround yourself with like minded people. people that help fuel your flame rather than steel your thunder. {so to speak} time to stay focused and in tune with your own inner thoughts, dreams, and passions. time to choose wise counsel and positive company. time to think about yourself so you can be in a position to help others later. now is the time to make time matter!

Self Truce #1 - Never die to self.
never allow yourself, your goals, your dreams to be contaminated by those around you. don't fall into trends that you know deep down don't reflect or follow where you've envisioned your life going. don't fall victim to the pressures of inner and outer demons and forever stay strong in your opinions {no matter whose toes you step on}, your style {no matter whose swag you steel}, nor your dedication {no matter what dead weight you may need to cut loose}.